Its been a long time after MidValley The Gardens open and I havnt have a chance to walk there.. Atlast today my mum say wan to shopping and therefore we decided to go Mid Valley The gardens, wow its have high class feel inside and I like the toilet >.<>.< Finish eating we head back to The Gardens and start shopping..I've got a long pants for study use and MY VERY FIRST PAIRS OF CROCS SHOES!! THANK YOU MUMMY!! LOVE YOU!!! MUAK MUAK!!!Wee..~ Nice ler? xD Crocs Crocs Crocs~~
Duno who invented this idea.. They now selling something like buttons where u can attach them to Crocs shoes to make ur Crocs ROCKs!..Its expensive so I oni bought two hehe..
Its a happy day for me because I gt my Crocs atlast >.<
Thanks mum I love you~~
I'm out~~
::- 清明节 -::
13 years ago
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January 11, 2008 at 11:34 AMPost a Comment