Lama no update liao~ 3 days ago, I've attended my secondary school friends birthday party.. She's 21 this year (Sorry I know age is something forbidden for a girl but still young nvm lar xD) I'm kinda happy that she invited me because that means she still consider me as friends haha.. Not only that I also have chance to see some of my other secondary school friends which its been a long time we never meet each other.. Happy to see Josequeen the birthday girl, Lay Fong, Ice, Selin, Hwei, Teoh, Hong and Chunk.. (Purposely to miss out someone's name Opps~) Except Hong, Chunk and Teoh, we sit at the same table start blow water-ing..Eating peanuts, Come out with lame jokes haha.. It was fun, guess what we even YAM SENG with Vinegar.. LOL.. Ppl usually do this with Tea, Soft Drinks or Liquor but we are different this time.. Its Vinegar, I must say its not taste awfully as what I expected, it fact it taste kinda OK for me haha..This is the Vinegar I've talking about, it contains some Chinese Medicine inside.. From Hai-O rm7.50 lol U can see a big hand saying it was good hahaha
I've not take much picture at the party, was bz chatting.. Before the birthday girl cut cake, we do a big YAM SENG together (This time with Orange Juice).. After she cut cake, I have to send meeyee to her 2nd round of yum cha (WTF Y I have to fetch for other gang wtf wtf).. Drop her at a mamak, I back to the party again finish 1 slice of cake in urge, me, Alwyn, Kieron, Ice and Sia Hwei went for a second round of Yum Cha.. After discussing we went to Bukit Saga yum cha (Waa ada feel nya)..Wee~~ The 5 of us...1,2,3,4 WAIT mana 5?? 5 (Me) Holding Camera lar =.=
We spend 1 hour + there then we go home.. It was a Solid Nite for me hehe
I'm out..
::- 清明节 -::
13 years ago
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