Its all about Cyrus~~

Be who you are, Do what you want..

What a sad day =(

Today is 19th of Feb, nothing special actually except my bro got rob somewhere in Taman Midah..
Woke up just when I online, my friend pop up with a news saying the Fei Fei AKA 沈殿霞 just passed away this morning 8.38am.. I was like what the?? That time when she attend the TVB award still say she won give up.. I thought it was fake so I start googling it.. Until Alwyn give me a link, same news but from Yahoo!! So I think there is no doubt already.. After a while chatting with Harry, he say he's gonna call WaiKee ask hows her Granny.. What the.. A bad news, WaiKee told Harry that her granny also pass away this morning 8.47am.. Oh my God.. What is happening.. I was like stone for 5 seconds.. Call WaiKee and pass her my condolences.. I guess there's no regret in her life, all the grandson and granddaughter so kind.. She must have gone with smile on her face I guess? Atlease no regret I suppose.. Shit its a moody day today.. One good thing is tomorrow's entertainment news headline will be no more Edison but Lydia Sum..

RIP Lydia Sum and WaiKee's Granny

I'm out tata


May said...

Miss Lydia Sum laugh sound..

February 20, 2008 at 12:48 PM