The preview was so nice..Woah!! A bear looks so fierce..Ok..Let me call my MSH member for a movie sin...*Fast Forward* OK..Reached Mid Valley..Go in Cinema.. Can't wait for the movie ush ush ush!! The movie started..Half an hour pass, One hour Pass... The only thing I do is yawning or looking at Jonathan and Harry sitting beside me start laughing (Not because of the movie is funny is we all too sian (boring))..I even sms my friend which I dun usually do that if it was a nice movie.. The movie started with conversation conversation and conversation.. The idea that every human in that world own a Daemon (pet den pet lar Daemon =.=)..Try to think of it.. Its same idea from POKEMON!! Ello!! U know POKEMON? If dont know please Google it.. The main difference of the Daemon and Pokemon is if the daemon suffer a slap the owner too.. I bet the creator is Pokemon fans LOL..The most interesting scene of the WHOLE MOVIE is the last scene where the witch flying up the sky shooting arrows (I think shooting fireballs is more interesting)..Another stupid thing I felt is the bear of the movie, the armor doesnt cover whole body man,if want to shoot ofcourse can shoot some other part without armor..Ok maybe the story created is about a kid and a stupid bear fighting stupid enemy..*clap clap* Bubye my rm12.. The movie i watch the day before i watch this Golden Compass was Hitman..The movie was so much better and cheaper (Different Cinema lolx)Golden Car oops Golden Compass..Please dun bluff by the poster, the bear's armor is Gold Color right? In fact its rusted...Heres a little suggestion from me..To reduce the risk of 上车 to minimum, better watch it on Wednesday..
::- 清明节 -::
13 years ago
lol seong ceh This week got more movie to watch loh!!
December 12, 2007 at 1:36 AMgolden car...itz great ...dont it ? least it wont rust lol!!!
December 12, 2007 at 11:18 PMi use only rm11, i watch v eugene & my bro today..not that bad just tot that the ending would just end there and not have part 2 only....
December 14, 2007 at 12:22 AMPost a Comment