Its all about Cyrus~~

Be who you are, Do what you want..


This year, a lot new shopping center open *.* (Learn this from Ling lolx) Pavillion lar, Mid Valley the Garden lar and Sunway Pyramid 2..Today,I jz went to Pavillion with my brother and my mum..I was quite excited (San Fan-nya Cyrus ni =.=) Actually me and my brother want go there got reason 1 /gg, we both bought ipod from singapore and we want to go Pavillion's Epicentre to stick screen protector for our ipod. Epicentre WoW, those hu play dota dun get excited because it have the same name with Sand King's ulti lolx.. Once I go there i was like Waaaaaaa ^O^ (Big mouth open again) a lot Mac and Ipod related thing~~We get our ipod stick with screen protector while my mum shopping in parkson.. After that we go and meet up with my mum, Ei? Y my mum tangan kosong geh? Yen Wang, those thing in parkson dun pray pray, veli expensive =.= After walk walk a bit inside parkson, we decide to makan at 57th street cafe inside parkson, this cafe's boss is zang toi,a famous local designer.. The food there is very nice >.< Inside sell varies kind of ice cream /gg c the "Milky" is L is an ice cream shape..So cute~~
The super market there quite special also~~ But the price also very special =.=
Before back I saw something Cyrus like a lot, CREAM PUFF desu!!!!!! Weeee~~~ Wait wat o? Buy lar~~
World's Best?? O.o Made in Japan wo

These are the Cream Pufffs that I buy o, before they being put into the box.. Nice ler? Dun jeles plz..Muahahahahahaha (Laugh gan chan-ly)

Last thing I want to share with u all is the kick I bought from singapore, I jz rock it 2day xD
I promise jor Wai Kee wan show her, but I also want to show it to u all >.< Nice ma?
Nice ler? Nike Air Max 180+

Ok lar for today, go watch har TV sin..BB~~


there got ipod screen protecter... yooorrrrr... help me stick also ma.. T.T... the cream puff macam *.* nice worrr... and the nick shoes.... is ur or just wear only...=.=... DISPLAY FOR WAI KEE~ thn

cyrus : excuse me..*wave hand to promoter there* u can put it back..

promoter : ......

cyrus : YEN WANG... just try cannot izzit?call ur head come

promoter : sorry sir..

lol...kidding nia.... i sure tht there got more shop rite... only got few tht mm tim la... =.=....

October 10, 2007 at 12:43 AM  
Anonymous said...

wah you went to eat ice cream at milky lane ar?? wtf then you should see many people having the long queue in front of the doughnut shoplot.

geng lar you, I don't even know inside Parkson got 57th street, I just know the 1st floor got many food & sushi@@

lengluiling ah, he promised to show me this shoe long time ago jor ah.

Cyrus : got post it STREEThing or not? you should show off your Air Max nia

October 10, 2007 at 1:22 AM  
ahkuen said...

muahahhaha, when u bring me go oi.!!!
hahaha..ling u very creative lor....

October 11, 2007 at 12:28 PM  
Harry said...

lol.. i tried the cream puf before. its really sui man..

October 12, 2007 at 3:08 AM